Sunday, April 15, 2012

My 21 day challenge

I've decided to do a 21 day challenge! Why? Well.... why not?!
I signed up for last night and should be getting my food on 4/19. I'm doing a "21 day challenge" because that is how many days of food I signed up for. lol Also, the month is nearly over and it seems silly to start a month long challenge in the middle. 

Anyhow here is my plan:
1. Eat the ediets food (hopefully it is good!) 
2. No eating out (at least not more than once or twice. sometimes these things are hard to avoid)
3. Exercise 5 days a week, at minimum of 3 cardio and 2 strength days (mostly through group cycling classes or brazil butt lift DVDs)
4. Blog everyday (or maybe every other day for accountability!)
5. Think positively about this plan! :)

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